Magical Mayhem

A 3rd person shooter style game made for the 48 hour GMTK Game Jam 2020 on the theme ‘out of control’. The player controls a wizard whose wand has gone rogue and is forced to fend off goblins with spells selected at random. The player can see what spells are coming and must plan ahead to hit the right goblins with the right spell effects amidst the chaos.

Made in Unity with Blender used to model the player character. Uses free assets from Broken Vector, Boxophobic, Meshtint Studio, Swift Games, Kakky, Hovl Studio, and Unity Technologies off the Unity Asset Store. Over the short jam period I kept the mechanics simple and focussed on creating sense of controlled chaos. The game produces a chaotic environment whilst still giving the player meaningful, strategic choices.

Jam comments flagged the mouse sensitivity of the initial build as an issue. This highlighted to me the importance of seeking feedback. Without it one can easily overlook potential issues or miss out on ideas for improvements.

Controls: WASD to move, Space to jump, Mouse to aim, Esc to return to menu